Welcome to "Stick It Out." This is a place where all the stick people of the world live, play, and experience everyday activities like you and I. Every once in a while they do encounter humans, aliens, animals, and other creatures that do not live in "Our" everyday world. They live in constant fear of only two things: "The Creator," (me), and the evil conglomeration of the Eraser Company.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
It's getting close to that time where I have to wake up, dig through my closet of dryer laden wrinkled polos and get ready for school. If I only had it as easy as Stickman with nothing to worry about on a daily basis. It would be cool to have no worries, but I'm thinking of just how much money I would be saving in clothes. Not so much for me, but with the three woman with an insatiable appetite for fashion.
Friday, July 29, 2011
New Job
Being a school teacher, we should have more training for non-academia students. Our technical training jobs and service/maintance jobs should be more readily available to our students who know they don't want to go to college, but also don't want to have to depend on the gov'ts assistance either. We need to get our heads out of our asses and start thinking about something other than high stakes test scores. Who knows you could end up like poor stickman.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Creation is a tough concept to wrap my mind around, so I don't. I try not to think about what came first: the chicken or the egg. I don't look at the television and say, "Boy, I wonder how that works." But I do wonder how the telephone works. It's amazing that we can dial a number and within seconds be talking to someone a thousand miles away. That's crazy!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Apocalypse Now
The Mayan Calendar is drawing nearer to the year 2012. Has anyone ever thought that they just decided to stop writing down dates? If you look on the back of a check register it only shows around ten years. Do you think if our civilization crumbled and a scientist found it 500 yrs from now they would think that our life cycle was 10 yrs? The world's end isn't near, but our end is always just a breath away. Enjoy the day, laugh with your friends, and hug the ones you love; but don't become hyper-focused on the negative aspects of our crazy lives.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Blockbuster Movie Poster
I used to love going to the movies. The mouth watering smell of popcorn, the great view from the mammoth sized screen, and the serene quiet are all reasons for my love. Now that my wonderful kids rule my life, I rarely see a movie over the rating PG. Even though I do love the children's flicks, I am in desperate need to go see a movie with my wife, or friends without my kids. Popcorn, mmmmmmmmmm!
Monday, July 25, 2011
This is for my sister who tried to drown me as a child. My mom thought it was a good idea to make a 4 yr old bathe with his 12 yr old sister. I should also note that she hated me. She enjoyed being an only child and all I wanted was to hang out with her every second of every day. Soooooo, she would SWOOSH me in the tub. I thought it was supposed to be fun, when in actuality she was trying to drown me. We get along great now, but when my two girls ask to bathe together they get a definite, "NO!"
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Just Married
It's wedding season hooray! Getting dressed up, sitting through the vows, shaking hands with strangers, and then....FREE FOOD AND DRINKS! Beware those of you who are getting married though: You have no idea what you are marrying into. Yes, things seem fine now with your spouses family, but wait until that golden cylinder slides across that finger. The in-laws now have free reign to mettle, butt-in, mouch, come over, and every other intrusive thing you would never think that a person would ever bother with. Luckily my in-laws are cool as crap, but you may not be so lucky just like stickman.
just married,
mother in law
Friday, July 22, 2011
Carpe diem means "seize the day" and each of us should live each day like crazy. When we are young we feel like nothing can stop us and we will live virtually forever, but I'm here to tell you that I have no idea where the past 15 years went. I remember graduating high school, and then I woke up a 34 yr old married, two kid, two car, occupation slave. And by slave, I mean that everything I do, I do for my kids and wife because they are best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though I feel age creeping in on me faster than a blind man falling off a cliff I relish the opportunity of growing old and realizing that I must enjoy it all.
middle aged,
stages of development
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Baseball is a great sport, but such a downer on the ego. Succeeding only 30 percent of the time is horrible in anything else in life except when batting. If you only answered 30 percent of your test questions correctly your parents would've beaten your butt. When at work if you messed up 70 percent of the time, you would be fired. But in baseball if you get a hit three out of ten times, you recieve a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract. Just doesn't seem right does it? (CAN YOU NOTICE THE HINT OF JEALOUSLY)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
trading places
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Little word to the wise: When travelling, powerlines and dirtroads are the greatest of landmarks.
Look don't be a jackleg like me. Stop and get directions, or be smart enough to follow the blue line on your smart phone.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Swamp People
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
So next time Godzilla is chasing you, while you are already an hour late for your last final exam, and you have to pee really really bad, and that you are running on wooden legs just remember to WAKE-UP!
It was only a dream....or was it?
Friday, July 15, 2011
I'm Adopted?
In the end, my parents finally informed her she was adopted, and that made much more sense to me, and I laughed and laughed and laughed! Well that's not entirely true, she wasn't adopted, but they did love me more!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Good luck everyone, especially Clint.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Recession Sucks
Economist are saying that we are slowly showing signs of crawling out of our economic recession. My question to that is, "Would the common citizen know we were in a recession if the media didn't tell us(scare us) all day long?" The economy is doing fine, then all of a sudden every major industry in the world needs tens of billions of dollars. Well, enough of the soap box from me, but the recession has hit Stickland, but, like us, they have found ways to cut corners and survive. By the way, if Congress is still giving out money recklessly, I'm sure you guys know where to find me.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Road Trip
Without a doubt, once in every person's life, they have heard the dreaded words of an adult say, "Don't make me pull this car over!" I laugh at the thought of my grandmother uttering those words on more than one occasion but never once stopping because it would have killed our destination time. Being the great old grandmother that she was, she never once pulled over. There was a time that it almost happened. It was my senior year in high school. I was playing varsity basketball and one of my best friend's dad was transporting us to the game in their van. We were cutting up, as usual, and after repeated pleading and yelling from Mr. W, he swivels his head to the back of the van while speeding at a robust 50 mph on the interstate and screams to four seventeen year old seniors, "Don't make me pull off my belt and pull this van over." My buddy Travis and I started laughing hysterically. The thought of Mr. W pulling that van over and attempting to spank us still resonates in my head every so often. Thanks for the memories and that story will be told for years on end.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Are We Equal?
Take this for what it's worth. Man has contemplated equality for centuries. If you were to ask a group of 5 yr olds if they were all equal, they would respond with crazy notions such as:No, I'm a boy and she's a girl, I'm nice and she's mean. Their image of equality has nothing to do with race or material things, just boy/girl, nice/mean. Ask those same children 9 years later and their aspect of equality will change drastically. No more boy/girl, but rather rich/poor, and cute/ugly. The sad notion comes when asked in early adulthood. Are we equal? The answers among friends is the truth and the answer among co-workers and strangers are totally different. We are all the same and all very different at the same time, but treating each other with respect and disregarding our natural biases is what it really takes for each to be equal.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Area 51
We would be rather egocentric to believe that we are the only life forms in the world. And if you read the newspaper or watch the evening news, it's probably safe to say; we are the dumbest life forms in the world. We have a wealth of knowledge at our hands and are forever using it in the wrong ways. There was a National Geographic Magazine dated 1969 that detailed the horrors of Global Warming and what would happen in the next 20 years if proper precautions weren't taken. Guess what, little precautions, major Global Warming! I figure, it's just a matter of time before those aliens decide we have contaminated and ruined our planet before they sweep in like locust, place us in cages and a real life "Planet of the Apes" ensues. Well, looking at the bright side of things; at least they'll feed us and we won't have to worry about Social Security anymore. Those bright lights aren't your imagination alien seekers. Keep searching because Area 51 is no myth.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Life is full of choices
Life is all about choices, but as a parent, I don't know how I would take this. I am a rather open-minded person, but I don't want my little kids to show up in cross-gender clothing. Kids are going to make their own choices as they get older. I just hope that I have done my job in preparing them for the rough outside world from Daddy. If they do happen to make a wrong choice, then I'll just keep them chained in the attic next to the three little dead squirrels I found up there a few months ago. After a little hard love, they'll realize what the right choices in life are.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Why Can't We Make You Happy?
You are not going to make them happy no matter how much you try. Whether it be your husband or wife, when you try to make concessions due to money, someone is going to be disappointed. The only time you won't get in trouble when making concessions is when you go get a diet drink and hotdog at the concession stand. Stick to what they like and don't stray from the norm. But if you do decide to venture into the unknown and things go awry; I believe Bobby McFerrin said it best, "Don't Worry Be Happy!"
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Line-Up
Directions aren't put on a paper for the fun of it. They are there for us to read and follow the pattern to put something together. It is very specific and to the point. It tries to leave little guess work and allows the user a relatively simple procedure. With that being said, my first year teaching I gave a final exam of 150 questions and the directions at the top of the page said put your name on the Scantron and turn it in. Most, disregarding the instructions as usual, took the entire test while I sat there and laughed. Moral of the story:Don't get caught standing in a police line-up!
Weather the Storm
stuck like that
We have all done things in our lives that we look back on and think, "Man was that stupid." Now that I'm a parent, I see my two little girls doing the same hair-brained things that I used to do. I'm laughing on the inside, but my stern, mad as hell exterior tells a different story. Most times all I can say is, "When did that ever seem like a good idea?" I love my kids, but I love the fact that I survived all those dumb things, in order to laugh and enjoy watching my kids suffer through the same trials and errors. Love your kids, show them you care, discipline when necessary, and the rewards will come back to you exponentionally.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, November 20, 2009
snow globe
With Christmas fast approaching and the blustery days of winter on our tails, I always wondered what it would be like to live in a snow globe. My mother never let me play with the globes at our house. Mainly because I was a spaz and would break most things I touched. But just think, it would always be a white Christmas and you could sing, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow," all year round. Well, don't spend too much money and enjoy the reason for the season.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Rod Ryan 104.1

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