Most morning shows make me change the channel faster than a horror villian chasing a stumbling blond in the woods, but finally I've found the one. I listen to 104.1 The Rock of New Orleans and the Rod Ryan show. I'm a fanatic for stats and I can rest assured that every morning I'm going to hear something like: 78% of men over the age of 25 who drive Pick-up trucks really do prefer boxers over briefs in the winter months, buy only 62.33% of those same men prefer them in the summer. Now that's stuff I like to know. His guest rock and he's not afraid to speak his mind (karrine steffans) if there is a dis needed. Humble but hard; well-spoken yet real But what I really dig about the show is that it's geared with his type of listeners in mind. Rarely do I ever hear them stop themselves from throwing out an explicitive here or there and very often I enjoy by "Tubesday" just by tuning in. I'm not on anyone's nuts but The Rod Ryan Show with his other STARS Theresa, Mark, and Jessica are a dial keeper on an otherwise S-L-O-W morning show day.