Stick It Out

Welcome to "Stick It Out." This is a place where all the stick people of the world live, play, and experience everyday activities like you and I. Every once in a while they do encounter humans, aliens, animals, and other creatures that do not live in "Our" everyday world. They live in constant fear of only two things: "The Creator," (me), and the evil conglomeration of the Eraser Company.

Friday, November 20, 2009

snow globe

With Christmas fast approaching and the blustery days of winter on our tails, I always wondered what it would be like to live in a snow globe. My mother never let me play with the globes at our house. Mainly because I was a spaz and would break most things I touched. But just think, it would always be a white Christmas and you could sing, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow," all year round. Well, don't spend too much money and enjoy the reason for the season.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Rod Ryan 104.1

Most morning shows make me change the channel faster than a horror villian chasing a stumbling blond in the woods, but finally I've found the one. I listen to 104.1 The Rock of New Orleans and the Rod Ryan show. I'm a fanatic for stats and I can rest assured that every morning I'm going to hear something like: 78% of men over the age of 25 who drive Pick-up trucks really do prefer boxers over briefs in the winter months, buy only 62.33% of those same men prefer them in the summer. Now that's stuff I like to know. His guest rock and he's not afraid to speak his mind (karrine steffans) if there is a dis needed. Humble but hard; well-spoken yet real But what I really dig about the show is that it's geared with his type of listeners in mind. Rarely do I ever hear them stop themselves from throwing out an explicitive here or there and very often I enjoy by "Tubesday" just by tuning in. I'm not on anyone's nuts but The Rod Ryan Show with his other STARS Theresa, Mark, and Jessica are a dial keeper on an otherwise S-L-O-W morning show day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Head

Even though I'm scared of my shadow, I love Halloween. Well, I love the free candy. When I was little right before we were to go trick or treating, my dad put a pair of pantyhose on his head and began knocking on all the windows in the house. To terrified to go outside after that, and unwilling to listen to reason, I lost out on that candy filled night. Now I enjoy walking the neighborhood with my kids and making fun of them when they are too scared to go up to the house with the creepy music. They ask me to hold their hands and go with them, but as bravely as I can, I say, "I would, but if you want that candy you need to go up there by yourself." I proceed to push them up to the door kicking and screaming, but enjoying every minute of it. I hate to admit it, but to this day I'm still scared of almost everything. My wife included! Happy Halloween Week.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Caveman's In-Law Problems

See, even Caveman has problems with his in-laws. Read into this whatever you would like, but my in-laws are pretty cool. I do know some who give their spouses a great deal of grief and heartache, but luckily not me. Unfortunately, both of my parents have passed, so my wife doesn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing, getting the wrong present, or laughing at jokes of the past that she doesn't get because it's one of those, "You had to be there," kinda things. But, if you do have "Monster In-Laws" just remember one thing: Even though they may ruin your life every now and then, without them, you wouldn't have your spouse. Oh yeah, that might not have been a bad thing either.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Notre Dame and Obama

Why go to a Catholic University and give a speech on abortion? That is kinda like going to a Star Trek convention and making fun of Spock. Not a smart thing to do. You would think that our President, or at least his advisors, would have been smart enough to avoid that one topic. I guess they couldn't think of anything else to talk about at a GRADUATION. How about, "Congratulations on graduating," or "All of those long hours studying has finally paid off." I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but come on. In the end though, we are all fighting the same battle as Americans. I can't say it any better than Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Supporting our troops should be ultra important, not only in our daily lives, but also for our government. We don't have to agree with what or how our government deals with military issues or conflicts, but supporting our men and women and remembering their sacrifice should be on the forefront of our minds. If you know a veteran, call him or her on this Memorial Day Weekend. We, who have never served, will never be able to repay the debt they have given to emsure our civil liberties. THANK YOU VETERANS FOR ALL YOU DO AND HAVE DONE.

Friday, May 22, 2009


My house is crazy and I only have two kids under the age of 8. I couldn't imagine having octopulets plus the other cast of kids octo-mom already had. Diapers, clothes, laundry, feedings, grocery bill, medical bills, and she is turning down free help. If anyone is reading this and wants to give me free help, please call, e-mail, drive over, or send a check and it will be gladly accepted. GOOD LUCK OCTO-MOM! Oh yeah, congratulations to my friends the Lambes on their anniversary and their quads.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dems vs Reps

I love our country more than anything else in the world, but why do our two factions have to be so far apart on every issue we face. We are all trying to gain the same rights and liberties, but the people who run this country can't seem to find common ground on anything. And who does that leave to suffer...the common, tax paying, hard working, everday ordinary citizen. Like the caption says, "Every once in a while, Stickman is glad he lives in Stickland."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Introduction to the comicstrip "Stick It Out"

Welcome to "Stick It Out." This is a place where all the stick people of the world live, play, and experience everyday activities like you and I. Every once in a while they do encounter humans, aliens, animals, and other creatures that do not live in "Our" everyday world. They live in constant fear of only two things: "The Creator," (me), and the evil conglomeration of the Eraser Company.
I hope you enjoy the comic and a new strip will be included on a daily basis. If you have any questions or would like to use any of the comics please feel free to shoot me a message, and I'm sure an arrangement can made.

Thanks in advance,
Trey Peters