Even though I'm scared of my shadow, I love Halloween. Well, I love the free candy. When I was little right before we were to go trick or treating, my dad put a pair of pantyhose on his head and began knocking on all the windows in the house. To terrified to go outside after that, and unwilling to listen to reason, I lost out on that candy filled night. Now I enjoy walking the neighborhood with my kids and making fun of them when they are too scared to go up to the house with the creepy music. They ask me to hold their hands and go with them, but as bravely as I can, I say, "I would, but if you want that candy you need to go up there by yourself." I proceed to push them up to the door kicking and screaming, but enjoying every minute of it. I hate to admit it, but to this day I'm still scared of almost everything. My wife included! Happy Halloween Week.
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