Stick It Out

Welcome to "Stick It Out." This is a place where all the stick people of the world live, play, and experience everyday activities like you and I. Every once in a while they do encounter humans, aliens, animals, and other creatures that do not live in "Our" everyday world. They live in constant fear of only two things: "The Creator," (me), and the evil conglomeration of the Eraser Company.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I dream a lot! Some of which are the craziest, most maniacal, Stephen King wake-up sweating and just plain happy to be out of that nightmare. Others are just images from the day, or visions from the past, or dreams of my family, both present and past. Just remember that dreams are manifestations of our reality and they are just a way for your brain to process all the crap that happens to us on a daily basis.

So next time Godzilla is chasing you, while you are already an hour late for your last final exam, and you have to pee really really bad, and that you are running on wooden legs just remember to WAKE-UP!
It was only a dream....or was it?

Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm Adopted?

My sister used to tell me on a daily basis that I was adopted. I didn't know any better because she was eight years older than me. She would wait until no one was around to remind me of this so I would cry and pout.

In the end, my parents finally informed her she was adopted, and that made much more sense to me, and I laughed and laughed and laughed! Well that's not entirely true, she wasn't adopted, but they did love me more!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Golf is a wonderful sport, but it's harder than any other sport I've ever tried; except underwater basket-weaving. I appreciate the abilities of the players on the PGA so much more now that I've tried my hand at that sport which caused me to be a foul mouthed demon. In all actuality, who has the time to spend countless hours at the driving range, more tedious time on the putting green, thousands of dollars on clubs and funny looking pants, and most importantly listening to your spouse ranting about all of it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


A friend of mine is playing in the WSOP Main Event this week and I want to wish him good luck, and I created this cartoon a while ago, but I repost it every year in hopes of one day being allowed to play in at least one event. My wife hasn't, or maybe never will, allocate thousands of dollars from our meager budget for the slight chance of winning a bucket load of money. So until then, I'll cheer for my buddy, and I'll continue to write and draw until the day comes when I can actually afford to play in one of these events!
Good luck everyone, especially Clint.


Two things I never could really do was hold a tune or dance. I grew up in the mid-eighties when breakdancing was in full effect. I wanted so bad to be able to do the moves I saw on MTV, "Electricboogaloo" and "Breakin" but the good Lord decided to let me make a fool of myself instead. More times than I would like to remember, my sister (8 yrs my elder) would call me into the room with her friends and tell me to do the worm. Naturally, like the idiot I was, I would jump on the floor and nearly brush-burn myself to death. All the while listening to my sister and her friends bellowing with laughter at my lunacy. We laugh about it now, but my grandmother would eventually storm into the room and say, "Now Michelle, that dollbaby doesn't know that he's hurting himself, and you should be ashamed of yourself." Obviously she never was, and til this day, I still don't know when I'm hurting myself. THANKS SIS!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Recession Sucks

Economist are saying that we are slowly showing signs of crawling out of our economic recession. My question to that is, "Would the common citizen know we were in a recession if the media didn't tell us(scare us) all day long?" The economy is doing fine, then all of a sudden every major industry in the world needs tens of billions of dollars. Well, enough of the soap box from me, but the recession has hit Stickland, but, like us, they have found ways to cut corners and survive. By the way, if Congress is still giving out money recklessly, I'm sure you guys know where to find me.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Road Trip

Without a doubt, once in every person's life, they have heard the dreaded words of an adult say, "Don't make me pull this car over!" I laugh at the thought of my grandmother uttering those words on more than one occasion but never once stopping because it would have killed our destination time. Being the great old grandmother that she was, she never once pulled over. There was a time that it almost happened. It was my senior year in high school. I was playing varsity basketball and one of my best friend's dad was transporting us to the game in their van. We were cutting up, as usual, and after repeated pleading and yelling from Mr. W, he swivels his head to the back of the van while speeding at a robust 50 mph on the interstate and screams to four seventeen year old seniors, "Don't make me pull off my belt and pull this van over." My buddy Travis and I started laughing hysterically. The thought of Mr. W pulling that van over and attempting to spank us still resonates in my head every so often. Thanks for the memories and that story will be told for years on end.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Are We Equal?

Take this for what it's worth. Man has contemplated equality for centuries. If you were to ask a group of 5 yr olds if they were all equal, they would respond with crazy notions such as:No, I'm a boy and she's a girl, I'm nice and she's mean. Their image of equality has nothing to do with race or material things, just boy/girl, nice/mean. Ask those same children 9 years later and their aspect of equality will change drastically. No more boy/girl, but rather rich/poor, and cute/ugly. The sad notion comes when asked in early adulthood. Are we equal? The answers among friends is the truth and the answer among co-workers and strangers are totally different. We are all the same and all very different at the same time, but treating each other with respect and disregarding our natural biases is what it really takes for each to be equal.